
While registering for Dutch Open, Airtribune asks about my insurance policy.

I have just moved to the Netherlands, and will cancel my current policy.

What Ducth insurance policies would be relevant and advised to get - and would cover gliders and injury?

While registering for Dutch Open, Airtribune asks about my insurance policy. I have just moved to the Netherlands, and will cancel my current policy. What Ducth insurance policies would be relevant and advised to get - and would cover gliders and injury?

OK, figured out that insurance, at least liability, is provided through KNVvL

OK, figured out that insurance, at least liability, is provided through KNVvL

Hello Franc,

Yes, being a member of the KNVvL afdeling Deltavliegen will provide you with a legal ok (and not to expensive) insurance policy.



Hello Franc, Yes, being a member of the KNVvL afdeling Deltavliegen will provide you with a legal ok (and not to expensive) insurance policy. Greetz Aernout
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